Brezden Pest Control considers the health and safety of our employees and their families our priority. With that in mind, we would like to provide you with the following information regarding the COVID-19. We will continue to monitor COVID-19 and will provide updates to you with changes.
What is Brezden Pest Control’s plan?
Common Sense: While we cannot possibly address every detail of this virus in this email (and what we may or may not do depending on what happens), please just maintain a common sense approach to what is best for you and your family. If you don’t feel well, let your Manager know what is going on and we will figure it out.
*It is a good idea to take any necessary office supplies home with you each day, so you are prepared to work from home if needed. If you have specific concerns, speak with your Manager.
*For the Field: For the foreseeable future, Pest Technicians will come into the office and go about your normal work schedule.
How can I keep the workplace safe?
*Follow CDC prevention guidelines: There are simple everyday practices that can be used both at home and in the workplace to protect against bacteria and viruses: wash your hands frequently, cover your coughs and sneezes with a tissue or the inside of your elbow, & avoid touching your face (eyes, nose, mouth).
*Clean personal workspace: Make sure to clean personal workspace items that are frequently touched, such as your cell phone, desk, computer mouse, and keyboard, with cleaning spray or wipes.
*Personal travel: Employees are asked to report all personal travel from and to CDC Warning Level 3 countries and Alert Level 2 counties to their Manager as soon as possible. This includes your return from any of these countries within the past 14 days and all planned future travel.
*Business travel: Speak with your supervisor if you have any questions about cancelling planned travel.
What should I do if I have been exposed to COVID-19 or believe I developed symptoms?
*If you have a fever and cough, notify your direct supervisor and stay home until you receive medical care and recover. We urge you to stay home and use your sick time if you do not feel well or for preventative care should you feel the need. Speak with your Manager if you have specific questions about telecommuting or absences so that your workload can be distributed, or deadlines updated.
*14-Day Self-Quarantine Policy: In an effort to prevent the spread of the virus, Brezden Pest Control is instituting a 14 day self-quarantine policy for anyone who gets this virus, shows symptoms of the virus, or comes in contact with someone who has the virus.
What if someone in my household has been exposed to COVID-19 or I need to stay at home to care for them?
* Household Risks: If someone lives in your household who has been diagnosed with COVID-19, or has traveled to and returned from CDC Warning Level 3 countries and Alert Level 2 counties, or who will do so in the near future, notify your Manager as soon as possible.
* Family Needs: If you have children who are impacted by a school closing (or may be impacted by one in the future) and this presents a hardship, let your Manager know. If you can work from home to accommodate family needs, we support you with this flexibility with the caveat that you are expected to maintain your high level of performance when working remotely.
Thank you for your flexibility and understanding. If you have specific questions or concerns, speak with your Manager. We will keep you updated on any changes related to this communication.
John Brezden