

What’s the average number of spiders people eat in their sleep? Guess to see results 0-1 Spider 2-5 Spiders 5+ Spiders CommentsThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Spiders Scientific Name Class Arachnida General Appearance Spiders are most easily identified by their 8 legs. They have two body sections and no…

Our 40th Year In Pest Control – End Of Year Look Back

Our 40th Year In Pest Control – End Of Year Look Back

Dear Friends, Brezden Pest Control will mark its 40th year of business this year, servicing homes and businesses with pest control in the tri-county area. Read the press release. 2020 has been a challenging year, but we’ve been doing our best to stay up and running for our customers. Below are a few notable highlights: ViroDisinfect Service: We…

Brezden Pest Wins 1st Place “best Of Slo County 2019”

Brezden Pest Wins 1st Place “Best Of SLO County 2019”

Brezden Pest Control named “Best Pest Control Service” by the New Times Best of San Luis Obispo County readers poll for 2019. Brezden Pest Control has been offering local pest control services for nearly three decades, and is known for its highly personal level of service and flexibility with pest control solutions. “We’re humbled to be…