

Mayflies Latin: Order Ephemeroptera Common Locations: Attracted to light, especially near aquatic locations. What are Mayflies? Mayflies, also called shadflies and lake flies are aquatic insects that are commonly found near, clean fresh water. Attracted to light, they like to gather in large numbers around homes and commercial buildings. Female Mayflies reproduce by laying their…



Crickets Latin: Order Orthoptera Common Locations: Dark and moist places in or around the house. What are Crickets? House Crickets are the common name for these chirping insects that enter the house. They seem to survive indefinitely once introduced to a hospitable atmosphere. First introduced from Europe, they are present across the United States. Commonly…



Earwigs Latin: Order Dermapertera Common locations: Shaded Garden areas and moist soil. In come cases Kitchens, Bathrooms and Laundry Spaces What are Earwigs? Earwigs are the most readily recognized insect pests in home gardens. They are known to damage seedling vegetables, annual flowers, maturing soft fruit and corn silks. Although they do cause some problems,…