Its scientific name is “Achearanea tepediorum,” it hails from the Family Theridiidae, is commonly known as the “American house spider,” and could be headed to your home—that is, if you hail from San Luis Obispo, CA, home to Brezden Pest Control, and a favorite haunt of this common house spider.
This eight-legged traveler is believed to have its roots in South America, but it is commonly found in Southern California homes. At Brezden Pest Control, we want to arm you with some easy ways to spot an infestation of the American house spider, so you know when it’s time to take action to kick the unwelcome guest out.
Eyes on the spider: How to spot the common pest
The American house spider is typically less than an inch long, although its legs can reach a span of two inches. Brown in color, the American house spider can, at times, be mistaken for a poisonous hobo spider (aka “aggressive house spiders”).
Annoying tangles: Webs first trace of infestation
The American house spider has an affinity for humidity, so an initial line of defense against the best is to repair any places where humidity may be brought into the home, such as broken screens or weather stripping around windows, doors and vents. In addition, a regular sweeping and vacuuming regimen is another common line of defense.
While American house spiders often chose to inhabit homes where no human residents are currently abiding, it’s not uncommon to find them in your own abode. A sure sign of the pest are a series of “dusty” looking webs.
Can’t hurt to call an expert
While it may be tempting to purchase a spider killing agent from your local drug store, a full inspection by our certified San Luis Obispo, CA-based pest control experts at Brezden Pest Control is highly recommended. Not only can we identify what type of spider is invading your home, we can also check for any areas of entrance and use the best, top-of-the-line extermination agents to ensure your spider situation doesn’t plague your whole summer.
So get in touch with us today. Brezden Pest Control is located at 3261 South Higuera Street in San Luis Obispo, CA. You can reach us by phone at (800) 464-9446, for more information on our pest control abilities as well as our full service area.