Termite Awareness Week March 12-18

Termite Awareness Week March 12-18

Dear Friends, Believe it or not, termites fart the most of any other animal on the face of this planet. They produce so much flatulence that some scientists have speculated that they can produce 165 million tons of methane every year. The National Pest Management Association (NMPA) declared March 12-18 as National Termite Awareness Week.…

Brezden Pest Control Celebrates 36th Year In Business

Brezden Pest Control Celebrates 36th Year In Business

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – San Luis Obispo, CA – December, 8th 2016: #1 Pest Control experts in San Luis Obispo Celebrate 36 years in business. Brezden is pleased to announce that the company has completed their 36th year in the business of pest control and pest eradication in the San Luis Obispo area. Since 1980, area residents seeking residential…

Pregnant Women In U.S. With Confirmed Zika Virus

Pregnant Women In U.S. With Confirmed Zika Virus

To begin with, a virus is basically a microorganism that only reproduces inside a living cell. Viruses are microscopic, and practically invisible to the human eye. The Zika virus has been all over the news because it has been quickly spreading throughout the Western Hemisphere. This virus is a microorganism contracted from a bite of an infected Aedes species…