June Newsletter
A Note from John Brezden
Dear Readers,
As a family-owned business, we know that Dad often feels responsible for keeping the home safe from pests, bugs, insects, and other unwanted guests. But Dad can sometimes get too busy to do everything that is needed to safely protect your home. That’s when we recommend turning to Brezden Pest Control for our home pest control services.
Because we have provided local pest control services in San Luis Obispo since 1980, we know a lot about one pest that keeps Dad, and everyone else, up at night – bed bugs. Bed bugs greatly impact the lives of our neighbors in San Luis Obispo and communities in and around the Central Coast of California. While they don’t actually spread disease, they can sure make life miserable for people and pets. Their parasitic habits mean they will suck the blood from humans and animals, usually while everyone is sleeping.
Fortunately, the pest control specialists at Brezden have in-depth experience in treating and eliminating bed bug infestation. Check out one of the products we use, and then call Brezden at 805-544-9446 today to schedule your home pest inspection. We provide superior pest control services in San Luis Obispo, and know how to keep your home and yard free of beg bugs, pests and unwanted garden guests! Look for our special Father’s Day offer below.
Transport GHP Provides Protection From Annoying Bed Bugs
Brezden Pest Control is in our 37th year of providing professional home pest control services. One of the most effective products we have found in the fight for bed bug control is Transport GHP, or General Household Pest. This product is made by FMC Corporation. Some reasons why we use this product to help in the battle against bed bugs are:
- Active ingredients include Acetamiprid and Bifenthrin. This allows us to quickly eliminate any existing colonies of bed bugs in your home, often within as little as 24 hours, and to control their population for up to 90 days.
- In addition to bed bugs, Transport GHP also helps protect your home from ants, beetles, cockroaches, chiggers, earwigs, fleas and more than 30 other species of household pests.
- Our pest control technician will carefully apply Transport GHP inside and to the outside surfaces of your home including the exterior siding, foundation, porch, window frame, eaves, patio, garage, storage shed, and other areas where these annoying insects may be hiding.
Trust the professionals at Brezden Pest Control to safely apply Transport GHP around your home, and you won’t have to worry about bed bugs any longer. To help Dad protect your home this Father’s Day, we’re offering $50 off the purchase of a $250 Gift Card for Dad – must order service between June 16th and June 19, 2017.
If your home has bed bugs or needs ant control, rat control, or dead animal removal, don’t get the run around – keep the Brez around! Visit our website at https://www.brezdenpest.com to make an appointment online. Call 805-544-9446 today for a free local pest control estimate.
Happy Father’s Day from the Brezden Family!
John Brezden
Here are some events coming up in our community that may be of interest to you and your family.
Pismo Beach Car Show: Take Dad out to a classic car show at Pismo Beach this Father’s Day Weekend. This show includes the hottest cars from all over California and even as far as Alaska and Australia, and is one of the largest classic car and street rod shows with over 850 cars! (June 16th to 18th at Pismo Beach, Call 909-363-4682)
Brunch at Foremost: Treat Dad to brunch at Foremost Wine Co. and enjoy special wine and beer cocktails as well as a delicious, seasonal menu. (Sunday June 18th from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm, 570 Higuera St., San Luis Obispo, Call 805-439-3410)
SLO Blues Baseball: Nothing says summer like baseball! Spend an evening at the baseball stadium with family and friends, or bring a special date! (Check website for dates and times, 900 Southwood Drive, San Luis Obispo, Admission $8)
Ranger-Led Hike: Learn more about the open spaces you enjoy during this hike. The ranger leading the hike will cover topics such as flora and fauna and the history of open spaces. Hike is of moderate difficulty and lasts about 1-2 hours. (June 25th at 9:00 am, Cerro San Luis at Marsh St)
UNDER THE GARAGE: Great music and friends! Playing at the SIREN from 3:00 pm – 6:00 pm The Siren, 900 Main St, Morro Bay, California 93442
About Brezden Pest Control: Brezden Pest Control provides rodent control, bird control, ant control, and termite treatment services in the San Luis Obispo area. The company keeps homes and businesses pest-free with its commercial pest control and home pest control services. “Like” the Facebook page to receive information on termite treatment. Call 805-544-9446 today for a local pest control estimate. Visit the website to download a copy of the “Top 10 Reasons Customers Choose Brezden Pest Control.”